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5 & 13 night programs for kids in grades SK-3*

*or turning 6-9 during the camp calendar year.


Junior Camp provides a special ‘camp within a camp’ that offers the extra care and attention that younger campers often need.

Campers get to try out all the same activities as older campers, but with some modified programming tailored just for them. A higher staff-camper ratio with specialist staff means kids receive that extra attention that can make all the difference in creating a comfortable experience. An earlier bedtime, and some special activities also help keep everyone’s energy going!

Cabins are grouped by age, so campers are with kids in their peer group. Depending on the number of campers, this would likely mean a cabin of 6-7 year-olds and a cabin of 8-9 year-olds of each gender.


Rates subject to HST

5 Night Sessions


One Week A

June 30 - July 5



One Week B

July 20 - July 25



One Week C

July 26 to August 2



One Week D

August 17 - August 22



Rates subject to HST

Two Week A

July 6 -July 19



Two Week B

August 3 - August 16



Automatic 15% Discount at checkout for each additional child in same family.

Bus transportation available to and from camp with pickup locations in:

Oakville/Mississauga, Ajax, Vaughan, North York, & Orillia